Archive for July, 2010|Monthly archive page

New blog: Labtutorials in Biology-on Blogspot

In Uncategorized on July 25, 2010 at 8:36 pm

Dear all,

I decided to start a parallel blog on Blogspot called also Labtutorials inBiology. As a first step I moved the archives from WordPress to Blogger, and seems to be OK, although the links have to be rebuilt. This is a serious problem since in the mena time the original domain went into parking , and it seems to be rather complicated for an uninitiated like me to fix the problem, especially with the two hours reaction time from Automattic, where the domain is registred.

I do not want to say that Blogger is better than WordPress, and I do not even want to compare it, but I have no time and energy to install a wordpress blog on my own server, that would enable all functionalities to work.

So by now I think I will clean the profiles, the WordPress blog, that is now availble at will be a collection of pure lab tutorial protocolls and descriptions. I will gather video protocolls and try to build a detaild lab tutorial site. On the blogger I will post much more ofthen news, ideas, book reviews and info about the world of biology that is comming.

This world seems to be very exciting, synthetic biology (through iGEM) and do-it-yourself biology will be probabbly the two pillars of it.

So keep in touch and stay tuned,
